
What makes you thankful? What is it, or who is it, that makes you feel that your life is blessed? It’s an interesting question. The songwriter suggests that it is helpful to us to actually count our blessings.

Here’s a few things I am thankful for;

I am thankful for Wendy, my partner in life for over 45 years and brings me every encouragement. I am thankful for our children, for our family, for all the good friends that we have. I am thankful for our health. Something, at some time, will give us health challenges. That’s a given but right at the moment we are doing well.

I am thankful for a good sense of humour, for the opportunities I’ve had to travel, for the many people who I’ve met through the years. I’m thankful for the people who invested in me especially through the early years of my development.

There is a story in the Bible about a time when Jesus came across ten lepers. He heals them but only one returns to say thank you to Jesus. The others I suppose were simply delighted to be free of thsi terrible disease but they did not return to Jesus to say thank you.

Ray Harris in his book Convictions Matter that this one leper defines worship for us. Worship is us coming to Jesus, to our heavenly Father, to say thank you for releasing us from our sin, from what has imprisoned us. That’s real worship.

So what are you thankful for?

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