A great place to work

Working for the final 12 years of our officership at THQ made this building somewhat special in our journey. After all, over 25% of our days were spent here in ministry in various administrative roles. But one of the things I got to do was begin to make some changes to the building physically. I…

A short return to work

It’s been an interesting few days. I returned to the office building, to THQ, to provide an experience of introduction and orientation for the President of Booth UC. Toronto is a big and busy city with roads that are full, torn up and partially redirected often and under stress. As a result, the drivers are…

A great way to celebrate

The Inspire conference and Congress were a wonderful way to celebrate. And of course, it did cost some money and some people won’t like that, but if the children of Israel came together several times a year for the festivals, I think I can defend this investment in the life of The Army every few…