Lego takes over the world

Have you noticed how well Lego is doing these days? I wish I had bought stock in this company years ago. I mean I should have known when I saw the bins of of Lego in our basement. But now they are marketing to adults! If you like Star Wars – they have it. If…

Pictures into the sun

We in the west did not get the dramatic eclipse experience this week. We have to wait for another 20 years… and so we’ll wait. Not the end of the world – and yes I mean that. Sunday after supper Fitz and I went over the soccer field near his house. This kid is soccer…

New life appears

Could it be more appropriate that as we pass the Easter weekend which focuses on the death and resurrection of Jesus, our gardens are emerging from the cold winter of Edmonton to show us that they too are not dead and are coming back to life as the soil warms and the temperatures begin to…